入學申請 Admission

Application Process

The application process for admission into the regular school year is as follows:

  1. Schedule an appointment for a visit with the director at preschool@seabol.org. Please read visitor rules below.

  2. Download and fill out the registration form and submit with the required fees due at registration:

    • Registration Fee (non-refundable)

      $100.00 per student annually

    • Deposit Fee

      We will ask one month’s tuition as deposit fee.



  1. 請通過電郵preschool@seabol.org,與園長預約訪問時間。請參考下列訪客須知。
  2. 請下載並填寫新生注冊登記表格(表格連接),以便我們能夠提前瞭解您的孩子。
  3. 按照預約時間參觀,彼此認識瞭解。
  4. 孩子面試.(可與預約參觀時間一起,也可以單獨安排)
  5. 面試通過,繳納報名費和一個月學費為押金。
    • 報名費(不可退還)
    • 押金

Tuition 學費 2020-2021
Registration Form 註冊申請表 2020-2021

Waiting List

For new families, available spots are held by paying the non-refundable registration fee and one month’s tuition. When the spot is available, the director will personally notify you.



Visitor Rules

We value our classroom time spent with each child so these rules and time limits are put in place to minimize distraction of students in their classrooms.
Prospective students are allowed to visit their classroom and participate in activities ONLY under the supervision of one parent for a maximum of 30 minutes. This does not include prospective student’s siblings.



After Admission

An annual curriculum fee of $65 and one month tuition per student is due by the first day of school.



Cancellation Fees

  • ​1/2 of tuition will be refunded only ​if enrollment is cancelled without at least one month notice.

  • ​Deposit fee is fully refunded only if notification of withdrawal is given at least one month in advance.



Prior To Enrollment 入學之前

​Please read the following handbooks 請閱讀以下手冊


​​Parent Handbook 家長手冊
Health Policy 健康政策
Crisis/Disaster Response Handbook 危機/災難應對手冊

Prior to enrollment, we require each child to have the following forms completed and placed in our files.

Required Forms 所需表格

  1. Enrollment Form 報名註冊表
  2. Children Information Sheet 個人資料表
  3. Parent Terms & Agreements 家長條款和協議
  4. General Consent form 一般協議書
  5. Food Allergy/Intolerance Statement 食物过敏表
  6. ​Immunization Record Form 免疫記錄表
  7. Information Reminder 信息提醒
  8. Back to School Reminder 返校提醒

Education, Learning, Success