西雅圖靈糧堂於2000年,在柬埔寨植堂. 來自菲律賓的宣教士Leofe Gonia牧師, 在柬埔寨靈糧堂帶領一群愛神愛人的當地同工一起服事. 這些同工雖來自不同的背景, 不論是城市或鄉村背景, 他們對神的呼召與熱情都在當地的社區帶來許多的祝福. 西雅圖靈糧堂每年都會有短宣隊前往柬埔寨培訓當地同工, 將兒童主日學每年專款”送愛到柬埔寨” 的奉獻帶給當地的孩子, 也從2016年開始為當地學生舉行VBS英語夏令營的活動. 無論是透過奉獻、鼓勵或代禱支持宣教士, 我們也邀請您與短宣隊一同前往, 將愛帶到柬埔寨 !
- 來自宣教士的信
Sister Leofe Gonia came from the Philippines called by the Lord to serve Him in Cambodia.
To become a Christian was an impossible thing for me, being born and raised up in very conservative and religious family. It was my ardent desire to inter into a cloister life however, my parents vehemently objected it. So I pursue my secular study taking up Bachelor of Science in Commerce majoring in accounting. Then, I came to know the Lord, through a friend who lent Christian books and invited me to attend the seminar. Then, I went to Mindanao Bible College where I earned my Bachelors degree in Theology. There was a tremendous out pouring of the Holy Spirit during my Bible School days that most of the students spoke different kind of languages and I was one of them. It was in that such amazing experienced that I clearly received the vision and the call for mission.To learn and be equipped more on mission, I took up World mission course and attended the intensive Missionary training at Asian Center for Mission. It requires going to a cross cultural mission exposure and I went to China. For more preparation I availed myself into various training and equipping. God place me in a mission-minded church that greatly help me and given me the privilege to work, involve and expose into different ministries.Being a mission–minded church our senior pastor joined the Global Mission Summit where he met the Bread of Life Church pastor in Seattle .That’s how the Lord cross our path in working with. One month before my scheduled departure for mission, I was diagnosed to have an acute lupus flares-up stage. The doctor advises me to stay, that ‘though there’s no medicine yet to cure it, but it can be control by some kind of medicine and taking a rest or else it will shorten my life. But God’s word in Isaiah 54:1-3, is stronger than the doctor’s. I decided to go in mission and it’s now my 15th year here in Cambodia. Life in the mission field is full of challenges nevertheless; the joy of seeing the lost souls to be found by the Lord is incomparable with a sense of fulfillment being in God’s perfect will.Praise Him who loves and called me to the His ministry.
- 2017年短宣日程July 15 to July 22 臉書連結
- 2016年短宣日程 August 2nd to August8th 臉書連結
- 2016年柬埔寨宣教見證集
- 2015 短宣影片 November 9 to November 151/220151115 Children20151115 Sermon20151115 Testimony20151115 Gifts and Dedications20151115 Worship20151114 Worship1/2